Perin Mehta Memorial Library came into existence in 1953 when the Jamshedpur Women's University was established in Jamshedpur. PMM Library plays a vital role in meeting the present and anticipated future need of its community by selecting, acquiring and disseminating appropriate information through different chennels of communication.

The aim of the Library is to serve the needs of the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students and the faculty of the library. It is the heart of the University and acts as a centre for the collection of literature predominantly related to science, commerce, social science, humanities and its allied subjects and develops a comprehensive collection of information that is useful for teaching and reference purposes. User satisfaction is the current day approach to Library service. To cope with this development, the Library has stepped into the Library Automation powered by "SOUL" Library Management Software.

PMM Library exists to make the knowledge-inventory accessable to all, to preserve and update the record of human knowledge and to cater to the academic needs of the learners of today and tomorrow.

Library is housed in the 1st floor of the college building. It remains open on week days from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM. The Library functions on open access system for the faculty and student, both.


PMM Library member is divided into following categories :-

  • Employed
  • Students

Jamshedpur Women's University encourages the use of its Library for professional purposes. Anyone who intends to become a member of the Library has to fill up the ‘Library Membership form’ and submit it to the Librarian. Visitors/outsiders who wish to consult the Library are allowed only after obtaining prior permission from the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor and Librarian with an introduction letter from the concerned Organization/Institution to which they are attached. Membership will automatically cease in case of any violation of the rules. The Library has the right to terminate membership without giving any reasons

Faculty15 Books for 3 Months
Staff05 Books for 3 Months
Intemediate01 Book for 7 Days
UG, General01 Book for 7 Days
UG, Hons02 Books for 7 Days
PG02 Books for 10 Days
Vocational and Add-on Courses02 Books for 7 Days


To serve its users effectively and efficiently, considering various factors like Budget, Time, Manpower etc., Library has collection of both and Non-Print media of Information.

Print media includes Books, periodical etc and Non-print media includes educational CD-ROMs/DVDs.

Books53, 000 as on 01.11.2014
Current Subscription37


The Library follows both Open Access System and Close Access System. Fisrt books kept according to department wise than it is arranged according to the CALL NUMBERS and the stack guides are put on each stack. Call numbers are the key to location of books on the shelves.

The Library follows the Dewey Decimal Classification System (DDC) for classification of documents. Library of Congress and Sears List are used for assigning Subject Heading.

New books acquired are classified, catalogue, processed and displayed for a week. After display these ‘NEW ARRIVAL’ are put into circulation.

Bound volumes of Journals, loose Journals are arranged alphabetically.


Following are the various services provided by the Library:

Library orientation

There is one general library orientation for all students in the beginning of every academic year

Reading room Facility

# Separately facilitate the reading room for both students and faculty.
# It has capacity to accommodate approx. 100 students.

Circulation Facility

Home issuing Facility - Privileges

MembersNo. of Book issuePeriod
Faculty153 Months
Intermediate17 Days
UG, General17 Days
UG, Hons27 Days
PG210 Days
Vocational & Add-on Courses27 Days


  • Renewing Facility - Students, Faculty can renew their books after due date, If they want to use it furthur.
  • Reservation Facility - Students and staff members can reserve books, which are already issued.
  • Restricted Issue - Reference materials, Periodical/Journal, CD-ROM/DVD are not issued.
  • Reminder Issue - Reminders are issued for return of books on expiry of the due date.
  • Overdue - To ensure the availability of Library materials to its members, they will have to pay the overdue charges, if they fail to return the library documents on or before the due date. The overdue charge is 0.50 paisa per day for document.

Text Book Library and Book Bank

To help needy students, books are loaned for one session from the Book Bank and the Text Book Library. Students are required to submit their application to the Librarian within a month of their admission. The application should be supported by the income certificate of parent or guardian

Current Awarenwss Services

  • Putting up of clippings of important, current news, events on the notice board.
  • Display of new arrivals & latest issues of books, periodicals, newspapers.
  • Fee Internet Access facility.

Reference Services

  • We provide reference service to staff members & students whenever required.
  • Occasionally we provide library services to some guests, Sr. Citizen, staff members of other libraries



The borrower shall be responsible for loss or damages caused to the Library material borrowed and must be immediately reported to the Librarian in writing. They shall be required to replace similar edition of the document or pay double the cost of such document including overdue charges.

The replacement cost once recovered or replacement copy once accepted will not be refunded or replacement copy returned under any circumstances even if the original document is recovered.


When the document is returned to the library, the member should make sure that his/her responsibility is duly discharged and the document is canceled against his/her name.

Before leaving the issue counter, users should satisfy themselves as to whether the material loaned to them is/are in sound condition. If not, they should immediately bring the matter to the knowledge of the Library staff at the issue counter, otherwise, he/she is liable to be held responsible for the damages noticed at the time of returning.

Library documents are costly and often rare. They are for the benefit of not only the present, but also future members of the Library. Therefore, Writing, marking and tracing on the Library document is strictly not allowed. If a document is mutilated or damaged when it was in possession of the member, Library can demand for a replacement or compensation for damages.


All those who leave the college after completion of the course must return the issued document and obtain a “No Dues” certificate from the Librarian.


The Library accepts donations of books,, periodicals, special publications, audio-visual material, CD-ROM etc. from individuals and institutions, college, university etc.


  • Helping to maintain a quiet atmosphere for study. Members shall not engage in conversion in any part of the Library so as to cause annoyance to other readers.
  • Members are requested to not to replace any document taken out of the racks as there is a chance of misplacing the same. Documents after use may be left on the tables.
  • Smoking in the Library is strictly prohibited.
  • Tea, coffee, and eatables are not allowed in the Library.
  • Tearing off pages, pencil or ink marking on books are serious offences.
  • Library users should “SWITCH OFF” their Mobile/Cell phones. These items are strictly prohibited in the Library.
  • Sitting on table is serious offence.
  • Newspaper should not be removed from the designated place. Keep the newspaper at proper place after reading.
  • Users are not allowed to take cuttings from newspapers. Articles required may be photocopied.
  • Folders, files, personal and issued books, etc., should be kept in the property counter provided at the entrance. These should not be taken into the Library.
  • Library staffs are authorized to examine everything that passes into or out of the library.
  • Issued documents can be recall any time, if necessary.
  • Members will come to the library personally to take books on loan.
  • The arrangement of chairs in the reading rooms should not be disturbed.
  • Wearing shorts, Paijamas etc. are not allowed in the Library.
  • Upon any infringement of the Library rules members shall forfeit the privileges and membership of the Library.
  • The Library reserve the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the Library staff or behaving in an indecent manner. No student is allowed to argue with the staff at the counter.
  • If a book which has been borrowed by a student is urgently required, the Library may call back the book from the student.
  • Books must be returned on or before the due date.
  • Repeated failure to return of books on time may lead to denial of borrowing facility.
  • Before borrowing a book, members should make sure that the book is in sound condition.
  • The borrower is fully responsible for the books borrowed in his/her account.
  • Absence and illness are not acceptable excuses for exemption from paying overdue charges. Only college holidays are left out of the reckoning. If the due date falls on an college holiday, the book may be returned on the next working day, without any overdue charges.
  • The Library may recall a book at any time before its due date. Overdue charges may be increased for failure to return a book when it is due or recalled.
  • If the users do not renew or returned the books issued against their name within a week of its due date, their borrowing facility may be withdrawn for a fortnight.
  • Members should follow all rules decided by the library authority from time to time.

For Details Please Contact

Librarian - PMM Library , Jamshedpur Women's University , Jamshedpur - 831001

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